International Affairs

What is IVSA?

The International Veterinary Students’ Association (IVSA) aims to improve the standard of veterinary education internationally through the exchange of ideas, knowledge and culture. The mission of IVSA is to “benefit the animals and people of the world by harnessing the potential and dedication of veterinary students to promote the international application of veterinary skills, education and knowledge”.

IVSA helps to expand the worldwide collaboration of over thirty thousand students, enriching their student experience and improving their skills as future veterinarians. It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 1951 and is also the largest veterinary student association in the world.

How can I benefit from joining IVSA?

By attending annual international events (congresses and symposia), facilitating exchanges between our members, endorsing events and projects on national and local levels, and many projects and educational opportunities focusing on animal welfare, one health, education, soft skills and wellness. In addition, IVSA offers many opportunities (scholarships etc.) to its members.

What is IVSA Cyprus?

IVSA Cyprus is the IVSA member organization of Cyprus. Cyprus successfully applied to become a member at the 69th Symposium in Morocco, January 2020.

How can I become a member of IVSA Cyprus?

Simply write your name, surname, class, student number and phone number on the paper to be taken from us. Follow our Facebook group and Instagram account (@ivsacyprus) for more information and updates. You can also contact us by e-mail at [email protected].