Dr. Hüseyin ŞAH

Hüseyin ŞAH was born in Nicosia in 1993. He graduated from Değirmenlik High School in 2011 and from Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 2017. Then, he started his PhD education at Near East University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Histology and Embryology. In 2022, he defended his doctoral thesis titled " Investigation of the protection of the use of ambroxol, kefir and coenzymeQ10 against the side effects of cisplatin, a chemotherapeutic agent." and received the title of Doctor of Science.

He has articles in international indexed journals and posters and oral presentations at congresses. Dr. Hüseyin Şah's academic interests include histological staining techniques, immunohistochemistry technique, PCR technique, tissue histologies and embryological developments.

Click for the Academic CV: Hüseyin Şah