Department of Internal Medicine

Near East University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine is a department that provides education to students on diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods of diseases in general. In the Department of Internal Medicine, undergraduate courses titled Large Animal Internal Diseases, Small Animal Internal Diseases, Forensic Veterinary Medicine, Exotic Animal Diseases are given theoretically and practically.

Internal Medicine Clinic; It is divided into two subgroups as Large Animal and Small Animal Clinics. Mobile clinical practices and internal and external clinical studies were organized in order to better train students in clinical training.

Major studies in Small Animal Medicine are related to gastroenterology, urinary system, hematology, cardiology, endocrinology, endotoxemia and sepsis, dermatology, infectious diseases, animal psychology and exotic animals.

In Large Animal Medicine, studies are carried out on digestive system, metabolic diseases, infectious diseases, neonatal diseases in ruminants and respiratory and digestive system diseases in horses.